The Timeless Allure of Board Games: Rediscovering the Simple Joy of Play

Amy Rose
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Let’s be honest, sometimes I look around and wonder, “Did we forget how to have fun?” Our faces are often buried in our phones, passively scrolling instead of truly engaging with the world. We binge the latest show solo, forgetting the joy of laughing together over something silly. That’s why I adore board games. They’re this refreshingly simple antidote to the relentless buzz of modern life.

I wasn’t always a board game fanatic. As a kid, the classics were a mixed bag — the nail-biting tension of ‘Operation,’ the occasionally soul-crushing slog of ‘Monopoly.’ But rediscovering board games as an adult? That’s been a whole different ballgame (pun intended). The variety, the creativity, the shared moments they spark — that’s where the true magic lies. If you’re ready to ditch the screen and reclaim genuine fun, this guide is for you.

Photo by Nik Korba on Unsplash

Step 1: Remember, It’s About the Journey

I used to get obsessed over finding the “perfect” board game. Did it have the right theme? Was it complicated enough? But here’s the secret: perfectionism can kill the fun before it starts. Instead, think about what you enjoy.

  • Embrace the Silly: Sometimes the games that make you laugh the hardest are the absolute dumbest. Don’t be afraid of quirky themes and ridiculous challenges.
  • Lean into Your Interests: Love medieval history? There’s a board game for that. Obsessed with cats? There’s probably a dozen! Your passions make the gameplay more engaging.
  • It’s Okay to Start Simple: Don’t let complex strategy games intimidate you. Many are designed with easy-to-learn mechanics that lead to surprisingly deep choices.

Step 2: The Hunt for Treasure

Okay, now we’re getting to the good part — finding amazing games! Skip the generic toy store aisle, here’s where the real gems are found:

  • Your Friendly Neighborhood Nerd-vana: Game stores are my happy place. I love the smell of freshly unboxed games, and the staff are like walking board game encyclopedias. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
  • The Online Wonderland: Yes, sometimes you gotta turn to the internet. Find websites specializing in board games, use their filters to narrow your search, and let those user reviews guide you.
  • The Power of Community: Facebook groups, Reddit threads… Enthusiasts are EVERYWHERE, happily gushing about their latest favorite game. Ask for recommendations and get ready for passionate responses.
Photo by Karthik Balakrishnan on Unsplash

Step 3: It’s Not Just a Game, It’s an Experience

I’m convinced half the fun of board games is the atmosphere. Whether it’s an epic all-night tournament or a casual Tuesday night distraction, here’s how I set the mood:

  • Snacks Are Your Sidekick: No one plays their best on an empty stomach. My go-tos are popcorn (easy to grab!), cheese and crackers, or bite-sized veggies. Bonus points if they loosely match your game’s theme.
  • Music Maestro: Sometimes it’s dead silence for ultimate focus. Other times? A cheesy 80s playlist for a light party game, or an epic fantasy soundtrack for a quest-filled adventure.
  • Embrace a Little Imperfection: Spilled a drink? Cat knocked over your carefully built tower? Roll with the punches! It adds to the night’s memorable (and hilarious) moments.

Step 4: Don’t Sweat the Rulebook

Nothing kills a game night faster than getting bogged down in complicated rules. Here’s my streamlined approach:

  • The 5-Minute Crash Course: AmyandRose suggest to focus on the absolute basics needed to start playing. Objectives, turn order, that kind of stuff. The rest can be figured out along the way.
  • Learn by Doing: Sometimes the rules only really click once you’re rolling dice and moving pieces. A quick practice round can solidify things way better than reading the rulebook three times.
  • It’s a Group Effort: If one person gets the gist of the game, split the teaching duties. Everyone learns faster, and nobody feels overwhelmed.



Amy Rose

I write about parenting and nursing. I also review, test and sell products for parents such as like diaper bags and maternity dresses at